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Giving monthly is the best way to provide ongoing support.

Consider making an ongoing monthly gift to support our conservation work.

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Gorillas are facing unprecedented threats to their survival.

The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund stands as a beacon of hope, dedicated to continuing and expanding her mission as we help people and save gorillas – ensuring a brighter future for us all.

Protecting Gorillas, Conducting Scientific Research

Every day, our tireless team works on the front lines of conservation, safeguarding gorillas and the biodiversity that shares their forest homes. As the world’s longest-running gorilla research program, we combine our extensive and unique datasets with cutting-edge science to advance our understanding of gorillas and their habitats and to develop effective conservation strategies. 

Building Resilient Communities, Creating Conservationists

But our mission doesn't stop there. We firmly believe that conservation must go hand in hand with uplifting communities. By forging strong partnerships with local communities, we ensure that our efforts benefit both people and wildlife. From sustainable livelihood programs to educational initiatives, we strive to uplift those who live alongside gorillas, fostering a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. And, by using our trusted voice and expertise, we educate and advocate for conservation action providing stakeholders from Africa and around the globe with opportunities to enhance their skills to become the conservation leaders of today and tomorrow. 

Join us as we continue to protect gorillas and their forests. Together, we can turn the tide and secure a brighter future for these magnificent creatures. Make your gift today and become a champion for wildlife conservation. Thank you for standing with us in this vital cause.

Make a gift of $1,000 or more and join our distinguished Dian Fossey Leadership Circle of Giving.


If you would to mail in a donation, please send to 800 Cherokee Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30315
For information on other ways to donate, please visit our website. Please contact [email protected] if you have any additional questions.

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